here for the scars breast cancer leaves on your heart

Project31 helps women and their families restore their lives during and after breast cancer. Learn More >>

Welcome to Our Breast Cancer Community

Breast cancer leaves its mark on more than our bodies. So often, women experience emotional and spiritual wounds that will never show up in any scan or biopsy – but the scars remain. Project31 is here to help you heal those wounds. We are a breast cancer community built by survivors and here for survivors at every step of their journey. Our group stands together to work through the fallout while keeping our families, spouses, and relationships strong. As a community, we find and share the tools we each need to live lives that are defined by so much more than breast cancer.

From your first visits to a breast cancer center OKC to the first moment you celebrate being cancer free, and every day after, Project31 is here to provide community, mentorship, and sisterhood. We would love to connect with you during any of our monthly support groups throughout Oklahoma (hint: we have fun!). There are also online groups twice a month. We are happy to tell you more about our services for women and their families.

P31 Store Items


You can find uplifting books, courses to navigate important issues such as breast cancer and marriage, and unique merch in our store.


Our organization offers financial scholarships to help survivors and families attend professional counseling.

Project31 Podcast & YouTube Channel

Tune in to our weekly conversations with survivors, medical experts, counselors, and more on our podcast and YouTube Channel.


Hear from Project31’s founder during your next conference, corporate workshop, or educational event.

Meet Sarah McLean,
Two-Time Cancer Survivor

Throughout her diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from breast cancer, Sarah McLean experienced the emotional and spiritual damage that cancer causes. Her battle with breast cancer revealed the complex and often difficult relationship between breast cancer and marriage, faith, and healing.

Through her journey, Sarah realized that more women had to be struggling with these scars that are unseen, yet felt so deeply. She recognized the need for a community of fellow survivors to encourage and educate one another through every stage of their journey. This vision became a reality, and she founded Project31’s breast cancer community, where we now provide strong emotional and spiritual support to women during and after breast cancer.

Connect With Our Community

From meeting with friends and family members to forming relationships with other women who you got to know during a visit to a breast cancer center OKC, the deep and meaningful connections that you build with others can have a powerful effect on you throughout your experience with breast cancer. Project31 would love to be part of your community!

Breast cancer does not discriminate, and our groups are filled with women from all ages and walks of life. Whether you are newly diagnosed, in the middle of your treatment, or have been in remission for several years, there is a place for you in our community.

Please visit our calendar to see where and how we can connect with you soon. We host support groups, events, uplifting activities, and speaking engagements all across Oklahoma throughout the year. These events cover a range of topics – from breast cancer and marriage to coping with your diagnosis – with the aim to educate and uplift survivors, no matter where they are in their journey with breast cancer

Whether your kids have a tight schedule or you are in and out of the hospital, our community is accessible no matter where you are. If you cannot make it to our in-person support groups or other events, we understand. We also have monthly online meet-ups to meet the needs of every woman.  If you have any questions about our upcoming events or the Project31 community as a whole, please feel free to get in touch. We are excited to meet you!


Welcome! Want to keep up with support groups and other happenings? Join our mailing list!

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